How to Earn from

What is ? is one of the world's largest freelancing site. They connect around 9,500,000 empployers and freelancers from over 247 countries. Through their marketplace people can hire freelancers th have thier tasks completed like software devlepment, data entry etc.


SO lets start. 
How to Earn from ??

1. Join from here 

2. Edit your profile add your address, contact numbers and a real profile picture ( This is an important step as people will hire you only if your profile looks real) 

3. Now time to edit your skills from here. You can have 20 skills and you can change 5 skills only in a month, so edit your skill carefully.

For those who dont have skills or those who wants to earn money real fast select the following skills . 

From Writing & Content Tab select Editing, PDF, PowerPoint
From Data Entry & Admin Tab Excel, Data entry, Web search, Data Processing

We have selected 7 Skills so far. The remaining 13 skills, Select yourself on the basis of your capabilites

How It works ?
People Post projects to get completed and freelancers bid on the projects. The customer then selects a bid which he thinks is perfect for his project and hires the Freelancer.

4. You have completed your profile. Now you can start working. 
SO to bid, Hover the mouse on Browse projects , A drop down list will come, click on My skills. Or simply go here 
A page will be opened containing a list of Projects related to your skills. Open any project that you can complete and bid.

5. If the buyer likes your bid he will contact you via Freelancer chat and then Hire you.


1. You get 1 bid every 24 hours, So use it carefully
2. Always bid the lowest amount ( example if the range of a project is 50$-300$, Bid 50$ ) 
3. Always select minimum Milestone request ( I prefer 5-15%) 
4. You cannot bid on some projects due to restrictions set up by the buyer/customer.

So now you can Earn from This is the basic about freelancer. I will post more articles to increase earnings via in my coming posts
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