3 Must Have Android Apps For Bloggers

We all want to get live updates about our blog, analytics and AdSense account. But Most of us don’t have access to their desktops or Laptop’s 24/7.

But most of us have one thing with us all the time. Any guesses?  Yes Our Phones, I must rather say Smartphones. J
3 Must Have Android Apps For Bloggers
3 Must Have Android Apps For Bloggers

So do you use your smartphone to get updated about your blog?

IF NO, then you have to start it. So today in this post I will be sharing 3 Apps which all bloggers and AdSense publishers must have on their Android Smartphones. These apps aren’t bulky and even runs on older versions of Android. So make sure you try them all.

NOTE: All these Apps Are free of cost. 

Blogger App

It’s the official Blogger app by Google. With this App you can easily write, edit or even publish blog posts. Though this app still needs many improvements to be done but still this app proves out to be handy in many situations. 

For Example, you are on a big journey and you don’t have access to your Laptop or Pc. In such cases we feel very much bored, so to utilize some time you can start writing a post using this app. It’s quite simple and you need not to have any technical knowledge.

Blogger App
Features of the App: 

  • Edit Existing Posts of your Blog
  • Save a post as Draft
  • View list of all posts including drafts
  • Add labels to posts
  • Add Location 
  • Add Images right from the gallery or even by taking from the Camera

To Install this App ClickHere

Google Analytics App

It’s again an official google app and it’s very useful to all the webmasters. I seriously like this app more than the Desktop version of Google Analytics Site. You can see each and every data of your analytics account with this small app anywhere anytime. This app shows everything Real-time Views, Demographics, weekly views, Referrals, Bounce rate etc. of every site you own.

I have this app installed in my phone right from the beginning and I always use it to check my Real time visits. It’s a user friendly app which uses very less amount of your internet data.

I tag this app as A MUST HAVE APP FOR BLOGGERS. 

Analytics AppAnalytics App

To Install Google Analytics App ClickHere

Adsense App

Last but not the least comes Google AdSense’s official app. This app keeps you updated of your daily earnings. After the last update of this App you can now view everything, you can check the countries from where the clicks are made, CPC, CPM, CTR, daily earnings, weekly earnings etc. You can also check your earnings based on the custom channels or the ad units you’ve created.

Well this is not all yet; this app comes with a very attractive widget for your home screen which shows your live earning, weekly earning and monthly earnings. The widget can be edited in size also.

So if you are an ADSENSE publisher, then you must have this app installed on your phone.

AdSense app

New Features:

  • More Metrics: CTR, CPM, CPC, Clicks, Page Views
  • Detailed charts for all metrics
  • Additional reports: Product, Platform, Countries.
  • Improved User Interface.

To Install Google ADSENSE App ClickHere

Final Words

There are many other apps available on the internet and Play store serving the same purpose, but be careful before using them as they are created from sources other than google which will make your Google Account quite vulnerable to hacking. So we recommend you to only use official google apps for such purposes. 

Source of some Content: Google Play Store

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Share it with your fellow bloggers too. 


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