How To Setup A Verified Paypal Account In India

Hey Freinds, today I have come up with this post as many of my readers and friends requested. PayPal is the safest and the best internet service allowing users to send and receive payments with 0% extra fees. 

As my readers are mostly blog owners, SEO masters or online earners, So PayPal is a must for them. But most of them don't know how to open a new full fledged verified PayPal account. So this is for them :)

NOTE: You must be 18+ to have a PayPal Account under your name

How To Setup A Verified Paypal Account In India

Sources you need 

  • First of all you need a PAN (Personal Account Number) CARD, its a must and without this you cannot have a verified account. You can submit an application form using this link. Usually it takes a month for your PAN card to reach your home. 
  • An Indian Bank account ( I prefer SBI or CBI ), I have seen some of my friends struggling with some other Banks. Neither Online/ Net banking nor ATM/Credit Card is required.
  • An Email account (Recommended: Gmail Account) 

Steps to Setup A PayPal Account

  • Go to and SignUp for a new account.
  • Select your Country and the type of account you need. Select business account only if you are having a company or so. 
  • Enter all the details carefully. Make sure the name you use is the same as that on your PAN card as well as Bank Account. Uncheck the Credit Card box if you don't want to connect your Card with PayPal. 
  • It will again ask for Credit Card details, you can simply skip it by clicking the text saying "Go to my Account" or by just opening again. 
  • Check you Email for verification mail and verify your email account. Your account is now created, but still not ready to receive or send payments.  
  • To verify your PayPal account go to the click on the link saying Get Verifed. You will be asked to enter your PAN Card Number and your Bank account details (Name, Branch, Address and Account Number).  
  • After you enter your Bank account details, PayPal will send some money (around 1-2 INR) to your account. It takes upto 4-7 working days for it.  
  • After you have received money on your bank account, open up your PayPal account and again go to the Get Verified link. Now you will have to enter the exact amount PayPal sent you. 
  • Once you enter the amount, your PayPal account will be completely verifed and will be eligible to receive and send payments.

Note: PayPal will send you verification mail for every step completed.

Some Final Points 

  • Never try to search for PayPal money adders etc. they are all made to hack your account. 
  • Use a very strong Password. 
  • You can link your credit card anytime with your account. 
  • For Indian accounts, Once you receive payment on your PayPal account it will be automatically sent to your Bank account within 3-7 days. I haven't still found a step to stop this automatic process.

I hope this post will help you create a Full Verified Indian Paypal Account. Share this with your friends and if you have any problem do leave a comment below. 


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